BestLIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base)Deal
Many readers are searching for lower price LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base) reviews before they order one. I think its a good idea to get a best deal. Firstly, Its better for you to see LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base) description, features and its details. You can directly see complete reviews and price.
LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base) Review
Recently LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base) is one of the top rated products in US. Many Reviews has told that this item has good quality and worth with the price, so most of the consumers are satisfied. You can check it from the customers opinions who have given positive impression. Then,if you are interested in this best buy on sale online, it's better for you, to order now to avoid out of stock, because this product tends to sold out very quickly.
LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base) Features :
- 2 Crtstal Wine Stoppers with a Crystal Base
- Presented in a gift box with silver ribbon and a signature-printed gift bag.
- Ideal for anniversary, holiday gifting, birthday, celebration
- Product Dimension: 3 1/2"Lx1 1/4"Wx4 1/2"H
- Description card included
LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base) Description :
LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base)Ideal for anniversary, holiday gifting, birthday, celebrationPâte-de-verre TechniqueThe pâte-de-verre technique that Liuli uses involves a complex twelve-step process per creation. Each step must be performed without error to prevent breakage, irregular air pockets or impurities. Pâte-de-verre, therefore, makes each piece of Liuli's creations one of a kind.Product ColorThe work of art is colored by the addition of metallic oxide prior to the firing process. Because these colors are created under extreme heat during the manual process of pâte-de-verre, they will never fade and will not be the exact same as each other, nor as those seen in the product photos. That is the unique trait of pâte-de-verre, and the value behind collecting original Liuli creations.About This BrandLIULI was established in Tamshui, Taiwan in 1987 as Asia's first Liuli workshop and stands today as Asia's largest Liuli arts bra...
Cheap LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base) and Save more in US. You can get Affordable price for this item, this best price is for a limited time only. Get this special offer LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base) soon to avoid running out of goods. You can decide to order the product and more choices at the affordable price with safe online transaction and easy.
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LIULI-LIULI Living- Richly Intoxicating Beauty (Red Wine Stopper with Crystal Base) Random customer review :
The great crystal artwork for gifting!
I was planning to buy a housewarming gift for my business partner from China, and was introduced by another friend to LIULI. I figured that my partner would appreciate this crystal brand that originated from Asia and then saw this pair of wine stoppers. Those two wine stoppers came with the crystal base which is a brilliant idea because you can see through the base. The piece as a whole is definitely well designed and executed. The details of the top part of the stoppers are absolutely stunning and I've never seen stoppers like that before. What I love the most about them is the fact that they are both practical and artistic. I can totally picture my business partner loving them too and putting them on his wine rack. I think I might buy a pair for my in-laws as X'mas gift soon...
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